Vare Beskrivelse
Common use
Liv.52 restores the functional efficiency of the liver by protecting the hepatic parenchyma and promoting hepatocellular regeneration.
Dosage and directions
Discuss with your health care advisor the best dosage for you.
The herbal supplement should be taken with a great care. Consult your physician both on the need and the dosage. If you don't feel well after taking this herbal product for some time immediately seek a professional help.
Contraindications have not yet been identified.
Possible side effects
This product is not known to produce any side effects.
Missed Dose
It's a supplement and the dose can't be missed. The only result of a missed dose can lead to its slower effect.
Overdose is not supposed to happen, but if you experience any side effect contact your physician.
The herbal supplement shall be kept away from heat and moisture. Normal room conditions will do.
All products presented at this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Don't hesitate to consult your health care practitioner before taking any herbal supplement.